Green Willow Funerals

0 reviews


Eclipse House, Coronation Road
Cardiff CF14 4QY
United Kingdom
Phone number:
02920 524200

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Company description

Green Willow Funerals is an established award-winning funeral planning company.

At Green Willow Funerals Limited, we can carry out any traditional funeral followed by interment or cremation. However, we can also offer an integrated funeral which is in keeping with your personal requirements in terms of content and cost.

Our Family Centred Funerals are tailored to meet individual wishes. We sit with the family and discuss the full range of options available - be it a religious service held at church, cremation or graveside, or a non-religious celebration. If members of the family wish to contribute with poetry, readings, or specific requests, we can provide a person to set the framework for the service. Alternatively, our officiant, having gathered details of the deceased, will plan a service directly related to his or her life."


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