Jamie Jigsaw Children's Entertainer

0 reviews


104 Dorchester Road
Dorset BH15 3SD
United Kingdom

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Jamie Jigsaw Children's Entertainer image 1
Jamie Jigsaw Children's Entertainer image 2
Jamie Jigsaw Children's Entertainer image 3
Jamie Jigsaw Children's Entertainer image 4

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Company description

Easy and fun filled birthday parties for your child guaranteed!

More details

How Long Does Jamie Jigsaw Perform For?
He can perform from a 45 minute magic and juggling show upto a whole afternoon of entertainment.
Best Birthday Party Your Child Will Have?
Yes, they will love the magic, juggling and sillyness in Jamie Jigsaw's show.
Is Jamie Jigsaw Affordable?
He has a very competitive rate.
How Do I Book Jigsaw?
Call 01202 722149 Now!
[email protected]


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