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It's concerning that they include a non-disparagement clause in their contract. It makes me wonder if they lack confidence in their services. We only noticed this clause after posting our review, and if we had known about it beforehand, it would have been a major warning sign.
6/11/2024 6:10:20 PM Report

In an age where online reviews play a significant role in guiding consumers' choices, it is disheartening to witness businesses resort to unethical practices to shield their tarnished reputation. Touchstone Lofts, unfortunately, falls into this category, as they consistently employ deceptive strategies to sweep negative reviews under the rug while unabashedly purchasing glowing 5-star testimonials. My personal experience with Touchstone Lofts was marked by frustration and disappointment. Dissatisfied with the level of service received from this company, I naturally turned to share my grievances through online platforms, only to face the blatant suppression of my negative feedback. A quick glance at their reviews section reveals a suspicious absence of any critical commentaries, a clear indication that Touchstone Lofts intentionally flags and removes unfavourable reviews. Even more alarming is Touchstone Lofts' alleged practice of purchasing counterfeit 5-star reviews, a deplorable attempt to manipulate potential customers. It is disheartening to learn that the trust we place in online reviews can be so easily undermined by businesses more concerned with their image than genuine customer satisfaction. Genuine and unbiased reviews are the lifeblood of consumer-centric decision making, providing valuable insights into a company's strengths and weaknesses. Touchstone Lofts' deliberate suppression and sheer disregard for transparency demonstrate a lack of integrity and respect for its customers. By negating negative feedback and resorting to underhanded tactics, Touchstone Lofts denies potential clients an accurate representation of their services. Businesses have a responsibility to learn from constructive criticism and address shortcomings, not to silence genuine complaints and mislead potential customers. Touchstone Lofts' actions indicate a woeful disregard for ethical business practices, leaving me deeply disappointed and concerned about the wider implications of their actions. In conclusion, I strongly caution anyone considering engaging with Touchstone Lofts. Their manipulative tactics, such as flagging negative reviews and procuring fictitious 5-star testimonials, demonstrate a lack of integrity that undermines trust in their services. Instead, seek out businesses that value transparency and honest feedback, as they are more likely to prioritize customer satisfaction and deliver upon their promises.
5/23/2024 10:35:12 PM Report

Beware of Touchstone Lofts: Incompetent and Money-Hungry. I recently had the displeasure of working with Touchstone Lofts for a loft conversion project, and I must say it was a nightmare from start to finish. The entire experience left me regretting ever choosing them for the job. First and foremost, it became evident early on that the team at Touchstone Lofts simply did not know what they were doing. The quality of workmanship was subpar, with mistakes and oversights at every turn. It seemed like they were cutting corners left and right just to get the job done quickly and move on to the next project. To make matters worse, the owner of Touchstone Lofts was nothing short of intimidating. He had a rude and dismissive attitude towards any concerns or questions I raised, making it clear that he was only interested in getting his hands on my money. It felt like dealing with a con artist rather than a reputable construction company. Overall, my experience with Touchstone Lofts was a complete disaster, and I would strongly advise anyone considering hiring them to look elsewhere. Their lack of competence, coupled with their money-driven approach, makes them a company to avoid at all costs. Save yourself the headache and find a more professional and trustworthy contractor for your loft conversion needs.
4/18/2024 7:26:03 PM Report