Matt Morris - Profile

Matt Morris
Re: Time For You Essex / Kent - Kathrine Branston Below average cleaning, appalling management. - I was told my key was being kept in a safe - it was being kept by the cleaners, who I had never met. The cleaners were changed regularly, despite my telling the manager up front that I wanted a consistent one, which she told me would be no problem. The cleaners sometimes came on different days to the arranged one without any sort of notice or advice. On one occasion I left two weeks money when I went away, which someone came in and took, and barely any cleaning was done. After leaving Time For You, they took another 3 months management fees from my account. This took seven weeks to get any sort of a refund, which eventually had had £25 deducted as an 'admin fee'. Lies from start to finish, and a below average service. There are plenty of cleaning companies out there - my advice would be to find another one. Its highly unlikely they'd be worse.
6/5/2012 8:59:03 AM Report