sally - Profile

Hi, My daughter has attended Kirkstone House School since we moved her there in year 8. Sending her to this School was the best decision we ever made. She is now 16 years old and will be leaving shortly. She is looking forward to what she will be doing next but is really sad to be leaving Kirkstone House. Not many 16 year old's can say that! We also feel sad that she is leaving this wonderful environment; although we won't miss paying the fees :) Sending our daughter to Kirkstone House has enabled us to give her the sort of childhood that every parent dreams of for their child. At Kirkstone House every child is nurtured and supported to do their very best academically and socially. Kirkstone House children are really blessed to be attending such a wonderful School, with such caring staff. I would recommend this School to any parent who wants the best for their child. Well done staff of Kirkstone House School. You are doing a wonderful job!
5/18/2012 9:52:53 AM Report