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Report review

Helena P reviewed Xpress CD Duplication

We will never be using XPress CDs again. "Senior Media Executive", Vikki Murton is a stranger to charm and politeness. Her manner was rude on the phone. We ordered 200 CDs, which came promptly, but numerous CDs arrived damaged. Some would not play on certain players, one was blank and one was peeling as if it hadn't been finished properly. We sent back a selection of damaged goods, requesting replacement and waited, and waited... After we sent several emails to prompt some action, and she responded by much playing for time, she agreed to replace 3 of the CDs but insisted that the peeling CD was our fault! Apparently this condition is achieved by insufficient packaging in transit, presumably her transit to us, as all we did was open the box and took it out! No she insisted, it wasn't her transit to us! She continued to maintain that we had damaged this CD somehow. Bizarre to wrangle over one CD in such a petty and totally erroneous way. Presumably she has never heard the old adage that the customer knows best. Finally she replaced this CD as well as a "good will gesture" hhmmmm, gracious indeed to replace damaged stock! What a shame. We will never be using this company again, the quality of their products is inconstant but more importantly customer service is appalling. If you want to deal with rude, sulky and unpleasant behaviour and be accused of lying, this is the company for you!